Journal Entry #8


Write a journal entry on the prompt below:

You have the technology to invent anything you want - basically, whatever your imagination thinks up. 
  • What is this grand invention? 
  • How will it affect humanity?
  • What happens when you invent it?
  • Be creative!


  1. When I was in my first years at school, I always thought about some eye glasses that can identify the problems and give solutions to them. If I had the technology I would invent such an eye glasses that are linked to the brain so when it sees the problem and give the solution. Mainly, students would benefit from it in their assignments and exam, but everyone in the community would benefit from it with every problem they see they would find the solution easily. This invention will make life easier for every person in the planet and it will save people time from searching for solutions on the internet and losing their time searching.

  2. Rama Al-Ahmad

    What is really required nowadays is identifying the truthful relationships among people. For this purpose, if I had the chance to make a grand invention, I would like to invent an appliance that can read and analyze people's mind and give accurate results to its users. This invention will serve humanity and introduce a lot for humans by integrating others' point of view and thinking towards you. As a result, we can choose to be with this person or not, we can identify if he/she seek for our sake or not and so on. By introducing this invention to humanity, I believe that it will be beneficial on a high level since all people are interested in testing the success of their relations as well as experiencing how others feel about them. So, can you imagine if you have the chance to read your friend's mind and know what he/she thinks about you!
    Frankly, it would be a significant achievement.

  3. One invention that I always wanted to make is a device that can be implemented inside a human's brain. There is a somewhat similar chip called "Neuralink" that is being manufactured, however I want mine to be more developed and have more features in it. First, this device will make a blind person see and a deaf person hear. Second, with the help of this chip, a user can create and access holograms that can include anything he wants like favorite music that can be streamed directly to the person's ears only, or a to-do list to keep track of the things he wants to finish during the day. Finally, this smart device can also be used to execute user's commands by just thinking about them. For instance, the user can think about taking a photo which will be taken using his eyes and stored in a cloud storage or locally using the chip.
    Although this invention might seem to some people as unrealistic or fictional, however I believe that it can be achieved with the right technology and people in charge.

  4. When i was a kid, i have always dreamt about several inventions, and imagined how would my life differ in their presence. As i grew up, these dream inventions have been reducing year by year, and i saw how childish i was regarding several inventions that i wanted. But, the only invention that i wish to be invented till now, where i am a 18 years old girl, is the time travel machine. How amazing such a machine is?! Whom from us didn't dream about such an invention? All of us, sometimes want to travel through time for several reasons. Mybe to change something in the past that we regret very much, or to make a look for the future, in which we all wonder how our future will be. The unknown is the most annoying thing we as human being suffer from, so having a machine that allows us to know all these would be unbelievable! In addition, if such a machine exsisted so we will be able to escape from several situations, just like when we skip an ad on youtube. The idea by itself makes me intrested, then how would it feels if it come into reality! In fact, i am not the first one who thought about this invention, in which it was studied over years if it's possible to invent such an invention, and if we, as human beings are able to control time. Consequently, that formed a debate between scientists where some refused and others said that this is possible. However, till now this invention is not found, but i hope that someday it would be possible to have it. On the other hand, even though time travel machine is wonderful to have, it is crucial to face our fates without the help of skipping anything, living day by day have a sense too. What about you? What do you think?

    Fatima Seifeddine

  5. How would life be in 2050 ? A curious question that has always popped in my mind. Right now, we feel that we have advanced technologies but what will technology be like as we get closer and closer to 2050 ? Since I am majoring in Computer Science I want to create something special. Something new and remarkable that humanity will remember me for this Grand Technology, for the next big thing. I want to create an AI based technology that can save the world and solve all possible problems in the world by giving this technology (Ai model) the required data of the problem. And this well trained Ai model will provide the right solution to fix the issue. For example if we took world poverty into consideration and we put all (or at least a huge number of data) about poverty to our Ai model. This Ai model will create a simulation on the computer and show how would the world will look like after 10 years from now and if this solution could save the world or not. If not the Ai model will create another another solution based on his learning from the last one (since Ai models learn from their mistakes). if the Ai model found a logical solution to save the world from poverty and reduce this number as much as possible, then we will start to fund for this project and launch it directly.

  6. When it comes to inventions, people seek to invent things that make us overwhelmed with its details. For the reason of overwhelming my mind goes directly to the issue all people suffer from.Well, when you're an overthinking person with no doubt you'll get this opportunity to come up with an appliance that clear our minds from negative thoughts and drive us into a world that we have nothing to worry about .This appliance is going to be the only way to free ourselves from negativity .Can you imagine yourself using this appliance while seeing the bad thoughts running out from your body?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Did you do something you regret? Do you wish you could go back in time to fix your big life mistake? Or are you looking to the future?
    Each of us certainly wished that time stopped in a certain event or that we could go back in time for a day, a month, or even years. Or maybe you thought one day what awaits you in the future. When will you die and how? So if I had the chance to invent anything I wanted, it would be a "TIME MACHINE."
    The time machine is the only solution to the problem of regret or bad choices. We often act recklessly and make decisions that we do not know are fateful until it is too late. Or even say the wrong words at the wrong time. Timing is the problem. We often hear the phrase, "If I had known that this would happen...". What if you knew now and came back to change what happened? How amazing is this!! In this case, humanity will be devoid of sadness about the past and anxiety about the future. In case you miss someone you lost, go back in time to be by their side and do everything you wish you had done with him after he was gone. And if he can bring him back to your life, why not??
    Is it worth the experience in your opinion?
    Like any invention on its first try, there will be some flaws. By going back in the past and traveling to the future, can cause an imbalance in humanity. However, it can affect the composition of humanity. An example of this is if a person decides to go back to the past and change something in his life that could affect the lives of others or even their existence in the present. So after the completion of this invention, there will be strict laws and conditions about its use. First of all, in the event of a change, make sure that the decision is correct and that he can't change it later. The change must be in one's life only and not negatively affect other people or humanity. Therefore, a test will be conducted on the hologram and an experience of what the traveler will do, and an overview of the effect before being allowed to travel.
    In addition to the limited use of this device, which will be only twice in the life of each person and be over the age of thirty. Of course, you must submit a use application, and then experts will review your application until you are accepted into the impact test. Finally, all this is purely for the preservation of mankind and the proper use of this great invention. In this way, the invention of the time machine will be a godsend.

  9. Mohammad Abd Alhak
    People in general suffer from forgetfulness and losing their belongings. For example, many times I keep looking for my phone at home and in fact it is in my hand, or for example our things that we lose on the street or anywhere. That is why I hope to invent GPS for everything we own.

    In addition, I wish there were capsules that when we take them we can learn a new language and new vocabulary, imagine what life would be like, I took the Chinese capsule and became a Chinese speaker. It sounds like a fun idea. Through this invention we will be able to communicate with other peoples and understand their idioms

  10. My invention is a robot that reveals the credibility of people's emotions, the machine that recognizes his emotional liars and emotions about what they are.
    We wanted to invent something like this Because we live in a fack world full of black hearts, apparently disguised as fack faces.
    I need this idea, and everyone in society needs it because everyone in society suffers from the wrong and fack people. When you get used to someone and they abandon you with a lie, you enter a depressed state of mind. It adversely affects the mental state.
    Knowing the wrong person of others can keep us away from them and the problem is reduced. The present invention allows us to avoid many disasters before we are deeply connected with people. This is a way to avoid depression, isolation, suicide, and other mental illnesses that result from lying or betraying people.

  11. I have been always thinking about inventing something that would help people in their daily lives, and that is my plan for future. But what can we use for an innovative project ? we would definitely use technological devices as they are accessible and affordable for people nowadays. As i will be majoring in computer science, and as I suffer sometimes from time management problems, I will be designing for the future a great application. I call it "mood analyser" .Moreover, this application would be linked to a sensor that can be attached to the head,and can understand people's emotions and mood.Thus, , people get notifications on their phone for possible activities they can do in their day according to their mental energy and mood. For example, If someone woke up tired and didn't get enough sleep, he wouldn't be able to do a lot of activities and duties. In fact, he would be lazy and uncomfortable. Thus, he can use this application that provide possible tasks he can do in his day without losing the precious time. Furthermore, this application can be used by people because it is accessible by cellphones. In short this project is essential as it helps people save time and do tasks according to their energy they carry.


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