Journal Entry #7

 Write a journal entry on the prompt below:

Open the dictionary on your desk, turn to a random word, and use that as the title of your journal entry for this week. 
  • What is the word?
  • What does it mean?
  • Write freely about this word.
  • Create a story or anecdote about it.
  • Be creative!


  1. Jad Alaouie
    Since I don't have a dictionary in my hand right now, I asked "Google" for a random word. The random word is "Disappointment". Disappointment means : "sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfilment of one's hopes or expectations". I believe that this feeling of displeasure can change a lot in our personalities or change our vision to people and things. However dealing at first with disappointment is something hard and terrible, but if you start to take your "Disappointments" as "Lessons" and "Failures" you become more wise and more clever. You can be disappointed from a person who you believed in him and trusted him and then dumped you for instance. Or disappointment could originates from expecting to have a good grade in a course you studied really hard for it and don't get what you expected but this is normal it happens with anyone a person should not feel guilty over himself no matter what and he should never stop he got ever disappointed. I cannot forget my 40/100 grade on my first Math exam in Grade 10. I felt terrible and I felt that all my hard work was not enough but it wasn't the end of the world ! I said to myself that this could happen with anyone it's fine just "Trust the process" and as long as you're working hard you'll never fail. So I took this Math grade as a lesson to change my way of studying. Ever since then I got 90+ over any math exam. Martin Luther King say : "We should keep moving. If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but by all meanings you should keep moving."

  2. Well, I got a word that I really like: " futuristic". Being a futuristic person in my opinion means someone that does not stay in the past thinking about actions or mistakes but look for the future and for the opportunities it holds. Of course we should learn from our mistakes, but also move away onto the future with the lesson and experience we got. In addition, a futuristic person has always new ideas and inventions that can make a great impact in peoples' life and aim for a better future. As I said, I like this word because I am a futuristic person who is always looking and planning for the future and its opportunities in order to benefit from them and achieve my desired goals. I also like this quote by Charles Kettering about this word: "My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there".

  3. Doaa Albekai
    “Inclination” is a random word that I found in the dictionary. It means “the act of inclining”, “deviation from a normal direction”, or “a person's natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way”. Its synonyms are (tendency, propensity, leaning, disposition). Every person in our lives has his/her own inclination toward something or someone. Some people are inclined to specific majors like chemistry, physics, political science…etc. Others tend to some individuals they know such as a friend, sister, or even mother. No one in this life is living without inclination. In fact, it distinguishes us from the others and makes our personalities more special, although there is bad or harmful inclination such as the inclination to drugs or smoking. I know a girl which was inclined to study pharmacy in the university. She knows that her family hasn’t the ability to educate her on this major without a scholarship. She worked hard in her school and study well to achieve high marks to find a scholarship that would educate her at their own expense. And in the end, she achieved her goal and studied what she wanted. People must cling to their inclination to make their dreams come true.

  4. Well, i tried to search in my dictionary for some hard words in order to use them, but i stopped what i am doing for a second. I thought that i have to think deeper! What came directly to my mind was that for sure Ms.Rima isn't asking us for such a prompt in order to open the dictionary and google to bring the meaning of any word. I think she is asking us to open our minds a bit rather. The most meaningful word for me is "Imagination". Such a word that consists from 11 letters, can be talked about in 11 pages at least. Then, what is the meaning of imagination? From my personal perspective imagination is the art of our minds; the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful. It's the only thing that differentiates us from each other, where each one has his own imaginations and his special ideas and looks for every issue. However, according to the dictionary, it's mentioned that imagination is the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. The difference in the tone of describing the world between me and the dictionary seems to be obvious, that's because this word in particular means a lot to me. What defines a human is his sense of imagination. Can any body spend one day through his life without imagination? I am sure that the answer is NO! Whenever you have an empty time, whenever you go to sleep, whenever you take a shower, and through every situation in your life, your real companion is you inspiring thoughts, "YOUR IMAGINATION". Moreover, there is a small story that has introduced me to the real meaning of imagination. It all started when i heard the famous song of "Imagine" by John Lennon. After that moment my whole perspective of imagining has changed. How beautiful and inspiring things we can imagine? Then, i realized that the first step of everything needs to imagine; all creative things in the world are a great result of using imagination. Think more about it, you'll got the point!

    Fatima Seifeddine

  5. I searched the dictionary and found a new word for me which is "Emancipate". This word means to free someone from another one's control or power. Everyone tries to emancipate from something like, parents, governments, and maybe their own selves. I remember last year when my friend faced a lot of pressure and control from his parents forcing him to study for his exams even though he did and he feels confident that he will pass, but after all this pressure he went to the exam and he failed it miserably. After that, he found out the only way to emancipate from this control and pressure is to leave the house during the exams period until he finish them and then return back home.

  6. Actually I always try to be special ; different from the others. I noticed that each of us is going to come up with a strange word and shock us with the presence of such a word. It's said that the last thing you say , is the most impressive . 'Be creative' was the final impression Ms. Rima left that directed me to be creative in a different way. I decided to choose CREATIVE as the central point for my blog to show that creativity occurs in the simple things. Creativity is priceless .You can never take someone's creativity because God took from you this type and gave you a better one. Each one of us has his own kind of creativity . It's not in the complicated things only, it exists in many simple ways . Drawing is a creativity . Painting is a creativity . Even beautiful handwriting is a creativity . We think that only scientists are creative ,but we are also creative in what we do in our daily life . When I see mom cooking , I see it as something creative. Creativity has no limits and no boundaries . You're creative because you have something that others don't have. Personally, when I see my brother memorizing two pages within two minutes I feel this as a creativity . And I believe that I'm creative by thinking that each of us is creative.

  7. Invention is something that has never been made before, or the process of creating something that has never been made before. To invent is something creative and interesting. In my childhood, I used to invent something simple. My father always advise me to do things by myself, to be stronger. I was intelligent and many times I invented new toys to play with them. Once a time, I was bored, so I wanted to play with a new toy, I invented using the wood two tall sticks that I can stand on them and walk like a joker. All the children become happy and laugh loudly while following me. It was so funny with respect to me.

  8. I believe that one essential key of achieving goals is the "Ability" which was my elective word when I searched in the Cambridge dictionary. Ability is defined as the physical or mental power or skill needed to do something. Every single job requires our ability to do which isn't restricted to any person since it can be created. As an example, we all know, the famous theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking who achieved a lot and received a lot of medals in Physics and other fields in spite of his disability. However, he has a great mental ability that distinguished him from many normal persons. Consequently, everyone can be able to do whatever he/she wants. It's all about your ability that you would like to create and have. I always ask Allah to be able to succeed, organize my time, help others and achieve my dreams.
    I hope that everyone will have the ability to succeed during this semester and achieve his/her dreams.

  9. I would like "Hope" to be my word. The dictionary says that "hope" is a feeling and expectation that things will go well in the future. I believe that hope is much more than this; it is the power that keeps us alive. Hope is an amazing energy that makes us move forward. It is a great motivation that never ends. I don't want to imagine the life without hope; the world will seem unbearable. We face obstacles everyday but through "hope", our belief that we are strong enough to overcome every problem we face and achieve our dreams, we are being able to proceed. Whenever I'm feeling down, I close my eyes and remember what I've been through and how I got over it, I say to my self there is still HOPE. I just remember the lyrics of a song" There is a hope that's waiting for you in the dark...." I believe that child's smile, the morning sun, the sky, and the sea are all signs that life goes on and there is hope.

  10. While I am looking at my dictionary I found the word "EUPHORIA" which took my attention for a reason I'll mention it later. First let me define it; Euphoria is a feeling or sate of intense excitement and happiness. As I said before this word drew my attention because it reminds me with a great memory which is the story of my aunt. Two years ago, she was in such euphoria after learning that her cancer had gone into remission that even the dreary weather couldn't dampen her spirits. I love that moment and the euphoria my aunt was feeling.

  11. Abeer Ali Ali

    As I searched in my dictionary, I got the word "UNIPARA". This word is a scientific word for a woman who has borne one child. A lot of people give birth of one child and then they couldn't have another one. It seems sad for some of them, because they think more children would be better. More children will make them together on future and help each other when they have an obstacle. But sometimes that didn't work and they forget each other after their parents' death. For example, our neighbor has brothers in Turkey but he isn't in touch with them and they didn't visit him or help him in these surrounding crises. Consequently, having one child would be better sometimes, so you give him your full attention and work for his future, as well as he will not feel needy for anyone in future.

  12. My chosen word is "Obsession". Some people call it devotion, others call it madness. I like to consider obsession as a piece of life. The meaning of obsession which is found in The Free Dictionary is the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, and so on. Obsession can be dictated by individuals around us. "Passion is a positive obsession. Obsession is a negative passion." I think the best way to describe obsession is as an addiction. Obsession is the path to addiction. A person who is obsessed with something does not feel that what he is doing is in a state of madness and finds it very normal. according to personal experience, I was obsessed with overplaying " Call Of Duty". My mind was wrapped around "Call of Duty" like a candy wrapper on a piece of candy. I spent most of my time playing it. Whenever I feel like I have free time I rush to play it. Because of this obsession, I lost my daily routine and was spending all night playing it, which affected me negatively. I didn't feel at first that I was being drawn into a gaming addiction. When you are obsessed with something it will be the only important thing in your life. Obsession can easily take you down like a beast, as my parents described it to me, and they advised me to focus on other things in my life. It was at that time that I realized I had a real obsession and I needed to get rid of it. another type of obsession is obsessive love which can be described as a mental illness. it is when there is someone obsessed with another such as friends, wife, husband, the person beloved...etc. This kind of obsession could destroy any kind of relationship and also may lead to other serious mental health concerns.

  13. Mohammad Abd Alhak
    I opened the dictionary and the word "Nostalgia" appeared to me, which means a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.When I hear this word, my childhood came to mind when I was very young before the war, but I think my childhood age was a bit short.But I remember the positive side of it before the war in Syria and feel nostalgic for it, because most of my childhood times I lived in the shadow of the war in Syria between the fear of the sound of guns and the images of blood in my mind and the victims of the war, so I always seek to change the reality and look to the future, perhaps through hope that erases the image of blood from my imagination and motivates me to move forward.

  14. I opened the dictionary and found the word "self". However, i thought that we should spice things up and give this word more value. Thus, I added "confidence" to this word to get "self-confidence".But what does it mean? I define self- confidence as the strong believe in the inner spirit. It is the trust that a person has in his own skills and abilities. This expression is the key of life because without the confidence we can't take risks and succeed. Without confidence, we will
    not grow and glow. Moreover, Nothing is stronger than a guy who believes in his skills because he would embrace failure and use it to build his greatness. Kamal Jumblatt said: "Life is a victory for the strong in their souls, not for the weak". So, Having this inner power about our abilities makes success near and inevitable. Furthermore, Self confidence followed by hard work doesn't only make you successful, it also makes greatness knock at your door. Indeed, self-confidence is a way of life. I remember when I was applying for the scholarship, I was really confident that i will win it because i know my abilities and innovation.and i know that I am qualified to serve my country through this program. In short, every great thing starts with self- belief. Those who don't find greatness within themselves, will never be great in real life; it is all about confidence and belief!


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