Journal Entry #3


Journal Prompt: This week's journal prompt is a quotation by Albert Einstein.
Read the quotation below & reflect on it.

  • Define "genius" as you see it.
  • What do you think makes someone a "genius"?
  • Do you think you can consider that "Everybody is a genius"? Why or why not?
  • Do you agree with Einstein when he says "But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid"?


  1. Genius is a word to describe how smart can someone could be so we say he's a genius, in my personal opinion no one is born genius in fact 'genius' is built with time and practice and consistency, and surely experience, and of course anyone who seek something that really interests him, a thing that opens his mind and expands it to discover more things, he is definitely a genius !
    And I strongly agree with Albert Einstein when he said : "But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid", because this is clearly seen in our schools, and education system, we are always seeing the genius as the person who get straight A's in all of his/her exams which is completely wrong belief because even the ones who are even failing their tests are also geniuses, maybe school is not their right place. Maybe they'll come up with genius ideas in future and here we can see the fish that is trying to climb the tree and of course the student will live his/her whole life believing that it is stupid because it is not his/her right place and this example could be measured on different things too, we are having a misconception about the idea of GENIUS.

  2. (Mohammad Abd Alhak) Genius for me is wisdom. In our societies now, the smartest person is seen as the person who always excels in his academic lessons, but perhaps the society should reconsider their point of view. Intelligence is the amount of what we have learned from life lessons and what we applied from them , and it is the amount of our passion, but I object a little by what Einstein said By saying ''everybody is a genius'', if the whole world were genius, there would be no words related to ignorance, backwardness and intellectual reaction, and this is what makes me oppose Einstein in this part of his quote.On the othe hand I completely agree with Einstein in his quote''But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid"?'', certainly pressure from society and setting very high and irrational expectations make a person doubt himself and his abilities insteadof showing what is good in himself, he hides it for the sake of people's judgments, that is, he suppresses his expression of himself.

  3. "Doaa Albekai"
    In fact, genius is a very smart person who has a level of intelligence that is very rare to be found. In addition, I think in order to desrve a "genius" nickname, you should research, analyse, read and definitely love your own article or subject. More over, I believe that no one that is genius in everything for sure there is some missing thing that he/she can't reach it or access. As a result of that, I guess that everybody is genius since all of them are professional in doing specific thing. For example, some of us is perfect in drawing, other in singing and the other in analysing...etc. I agree with Einstein when he says "But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid" because if you can't do something it doesn't mean that you are stupid in everything. We should put every person in the his/her suitable or proper environment in order to work hard and be genius.

  4. Genius is a congenital characteristic that a person has. A genius is the person who had this characteristic and he works hard on it and improve it to show it to people so they can benefit from it. From this point, I think that everyone is a genius in something because everyone has a characteristic that no one has. Also, not everyone works hard on his character to improve it. So everyone has a genius idea, but not everyone is a genius. In addition, it is not true that a genius must be good in everything, so being bad in somethings will not make a person stupid, he must be judged based one his abilities and characteristics. So, as Einstein said "But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid"

  5. Fatima Seifeddine

    "Genius" meaning was and still a big argument. What is a genius? I think that a genius is a very smart person who found the right and rare way to think in, where he/she collects the correct background regarding a topic and then analyzes this background through his big mind resulting to find the best root which makes of him a genius! So that what makes of someone a genius is the way he responds to his mind, thoughts, and imagination. Whenever this person knows the best way to deal with himself, then he's considered a genius since all the creativity will come over after passing through the biggest step mentioned before! Then, it's the best to say, that every body is genius. But, not everybody knows the way to discover this genius person allocated inside his soul. All of us has the enough power, energy and sense of innovation in order to impress the world, but few of us discovered themselves enough to reach the level of being genius. Many of those who are reading what i am saying would complain: what the hell? Is that this much easy! The answer is NO! It's harder that any one could imagine. Nonetheless, to be clear, not every body in the world will create in the same domain or in the same way. It depends! And here is the importance of inspiring ourselves, where first of all i have to find the domain of my interest and then i will expand into further points. But it's not believable to wonder why for example my son isn't creative in engineering while he's interested in biology! Here, we reach the most reliable quote said by Albert Einstein, that i totally agree with, "But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid".

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I totallly agree with the biologists that said each of us has a unique identity but they've ignored the equality of genius that God has distributed it equally among us.Genius is innate.Lord has showered us with a uniform blessing that doesn't discriminate between high standards living and low,between young and old.Each of us has his own kind of genius that shows it up in a unique way.It was known that geniuses are the top on the class that get the highest gpa or the smartest in their work.But people lacks the true meaning of genius. It's a public blessing that's hidden inside each of us.Einshtian is on the right track when he claimes that 'If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing in it's ability. "When it comes to challenges people give up and try to convince themselves that they can't and only a miracle can overcome it.But the truth is miracles do exist and the miracle for turning dream into reality requires Lotto-card which is believing in your potentials and your abilities.The moment you believe in what you have you will sweep it away.

  8. I think being a "Genius" does not only rely on someone's grade and performance in school. A genius is a human-being that if encounters a certain problem, can solve with the best way and without any significant damage. I agree that everyone can be a genius, but each one of us is a genius in a particular field and not in everything. That's why I agree with Einstein's statement, for instance a student in school could have bad grades in science but he is excellent in running his own business and living a happy stable life.

  9. Rama Al-Ahmad
    "Genius" is not the person that shows smartness in doing a specific action. However, it refers to the person who is interested in every field of our lives and can be smart in each single detail. I think you can be a Genius if you pay attention to all issues in our life and have the ability to relate the ideas to each other. Also, to be a genius, you must never let any information that you have taken to be misunderstood. Nonetheless, you should look for it in a curious way to save it. I believe that not everybody is genius because the majority of us concentrate on a specific field and may be clever in that field, but we are not "Geniuses". I agree with Einstein that everybody must have many chances to show her/his cleverness and we should not judge anyone whatever his/ her actions are. We are humans that look a like in many different areas and no one is better than the other.

  10. A genius is a person who has the ability to think deeply beyond an idea , create unique things, and analyze sharply. Moreover, he is an exceptional individual who looks to things in a different way than people do. In fact, what makes someone a genius is the ability to imagine normal as it is more important than being knowledgeable as Einstein said. In addition to that, it is the strong mental ability and the anatomy of the brain; for instance, Einstein's brain was 15% larger than an average human brain. Although Einstein is one of my idols, I disagree with him that everyone is a genius. Everyone might be unique in a certain domain or have a better ability in specific , but this does not make them geniuses .Still no one knows how the brain really functions or how does it invent thoughts. However, every one can be successful in the domain that he has passion and skills in and Albert Einstein final saying is true because he has learned from his own experience when he failed in all subjects expect for math and physics as he was applying to university

  11. Yahia Hajeer

    A genius person is the one who can plan his future and draw its path to achieve his goals. Things that make one genius are thinking carefully about the problems, and not to hurry in choosing the solutions, putting the reasons of the problem first and then work on them to create the best solution that can support. Everyone can be considered a genius if he works hard to see his dream comes true. I am with what Einstein said "But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it's stupid."because everyone has his own abilities, capabilities, characteristics, and according to these he puts his goals, so everyone has his own dream that's differ from the others and can't be achieved by other than himself.

  12. Tala Khalaf
    A genius is defined as someone who possesses exceptional intellectual or creative abilities, as well as other natural abilities. I agree with the statement to the degree that it implies that we all find ways to solve problems that are important to us or learn to do things in ways that are beneficial to us. When it comes to resolving problems that affect their quality of life, humans are incredibly inventive. As a result, we can neither judge nor compare anyone's intelligence to anyone. Everyone is unique in his/her own way.

  13. Abeer Ali Ali

    In brief, genius is the one who has a high level of IQ and creativity, as well as he carries a package of achievements. As in my opinion, working hard and smart is the way to be a genius person. Everyone can be a genius when they work every day on improving their abilities and interests.
    Also, I agree with Einstein in his said: “But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid". It’s a true quote, because it’s not normal to judge a fish, wheather it is a genius or not, by its ability to climb a tree. The fish was born to swim not to climb a tree, so whatever it’s smart, it can’t climb a tree. Consequently, judging someone by something that didn’t relate to his ability will lead him to think he is stupid, while he is “genius” in something else.

  14. A genius is someone with unique talent or skill that distinguish him from others. Genius has no definite limits and scopes. Its the light that makes each of us shine. Some have exceptional mathematical skill. Others are creative artists, writers, or musicians...Being genius doesn't mean to only have a high IQ because some are emotionally intelligent, or have creative ability in problem-solving. I believe that everyone is genius in different way, and everyone is born with a unique bless. Its just our job to discover our hidden creative characteristic. I agree with Einstein saying: " But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid.", because everyone has a different abilities and it is inappropriate to judge anyone by focusing on a skill which this one does not possess.

  15. Genius is a word to describe how smart someone can be, so we say he is a genius, in my opinion no one is born a genius in fact, "genius" comes from time, practice and consistency, and certainly experience, and of course anyone looking for something they're really interested in, something that opens their minds and opens to discovery. more things, they are definitely a genius! And I totally agree with Albert Einstein when he said, "But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid", because of that. is evident in our schools, and in our education system. , we still consider genius to be someone who gets straight A's on all of our exams, which is completely wrong, because even people who even fail their tests are geniuses, perhaps, School is not the right place for them.

  16. Genius is a mix between creativity and intelligence. Having confidence in what you do and in yourself is the way of being a genius. Everyone has a special way of showing his or her intelligence. Because we are different, we cannot judge all people using the same criteria. I agree with Einstein when he says, "But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid." Because there are many kinds of intelligence, such as logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. We cannot identify genius through the result of an IQ test because genius is relative and different between people.


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