Journal Entry #9


Write a journal entry on the prompt below:

“Write a list of questions to which you urgently need answers.” 
(Barbara Abercrombie, 2013)


  1. Why am I born in this country? Why should we grow up? Why should we leave our families? Why should we start to depend on ourselves? Why am I chosen to be with this family not other when? what is my purpose in life? will I be a successful person? When will I die? Can I achieve my dreams before I die? will I become a millionaire? will I live the luxuries life I want? Can I travel the world? Am I the good person how I think I am?

  2. Why God takes from us people we love? Why do I live in a continuous fear of future? Why am I afraid of losing hope? What's waiting me after death? When am I going to die? Am I going to become famous? Am I going to leave my country one day? Where am I going to be ten years from today? When am I going to wake up in a peaceful country? When am I going to live in a country that doesn't have starving citizens? Why all this is happening in Lebanon? When are the politicians planning to wake up to this disaster? Am I going to sleep one day before death without crying? Am I going to make my parents travel the world? Am I going to make a change in this country? Will I be here reading my journal again tomorrow?

  3. What does the future holds? Are we the only creatures in this universe? If we're not alone, are we considered as aliens for creatures in other planets? Am I going to leave an impact in humanity progression that I'll be remembered for? Are we going to have a world full of peace and without any war? Will there be a world without discrimination based on color, sex, or religion? Are we going to make the change we want in Lebanon?

  4. Why our Arab World is suffering? Why there are always wars? What is the purpose concerning the suffering of only Arabs? Why Syria was chosen to be destroyed and not another country? When I will return to Syria? When Israel will leave Palestine? Will our Arab World be better in the next years? Can I make a change to help my country? Why Corona Virus, but not another? Will COVID-19 disappear in 2022? Can China control the world instead of the US? Why are we happy one day and sad the other? What is the problem of rich people who don't help the poor one? What is the problem of people who judge others? What do people feel while committing suicide? How do people feel while drinking beer? Why do people feel while killing others? Will all of my colleagues pass this semester?

  5. When will peace prevail in the world? Will I visit my country one day? What awaits me in the future? Will I achieve my dreams? What's it worth suffering for if we're all going to end up alone? Are aliens real? Is there life on other planets? What is the real meaning of death? How to make the world a better place? Is history the truth? Why do we believe in history? Why do we dream? Does a parallel universe exist? can we travel through time?

  6. When will we live in peace? when will I return to my homeland? What is the reason of having a sad moments? Why can't we stop the time ? In which place I'll be after 10 years? Why do we cry over stuffs we know that they will pass? How can we remove discrimination and stereotyping from our life?

  7. Where will I be after 10 or 20 years? Can I achieve my dreams? Will my parents see me graduate?

    Will we live in peace oneday? Can I visit my homeland with my family? What will we do when we see our home there?

    Why do we hurt each other? Why didn't we value each other until we lose each other? Why does the happy moment end by sad one?

  8. Doaa Albekai
    Will I go back to my hometown Palestine one day? Would our life be without wars? How do we spread peace in the whole world? Who will I meet in the future and be my favorite person? After when will this life end? When will I die, is the future better than now? Can we fulfill all our dreams? Can we positively change our societies? Am I in someone's prayer? Why do happy moments pass quickly? Why are sad moments so slow? What will I be 10 years from now? Will our language stay popular after one decade?

  9. Does god really exist ? If yes what's the point of having so many religions ? If no how everything started ? Is BigBang a myth or a fact ? Illuminati is controlling the world ? Will humanity conquer space one day ? Why am I born in Lebanon ? What will happen to me after 5 years ? Where would I be ? Will I find a job at FAANG one day ? Why does time exist ? Is the clock correct ? What proves that it is 1:18 PM ? Why do we dream ? What proves that we are living or we are just in a simulation ? Is our universe the only one ? What is the cure to cancer ?

  10. Why am I born in this country? Why should we grow up? What proves that we are living or we are just in a simulation ? Is our universe the only one ? What is the cure to cancer ? What does the future holds? Are we the only creatures in this universe? What you know about rolling down in the deep? Will humans ever walk on the sun? What happens to people born on February 29? How do you get YouTube to come film you? Why do i feel butter flies in my stomach? Does looking at a picture of the sun hurt your eyes?

  11. Do we really exsist? What if all this was not real? What if all what we are living is nothing more than a dream? What do other people think? How do their life looks like from the inside? What do they feel? Why i was born with this family? Who chose my religion? Why is my name put by other people? When i will die? What is waiting for me there? Is there is another life after dying? Does other organisms exist on other planets? Will we be able to travel to mars mars and live there one day? Will we have a time travel machine? Is there a way to be invisible?

  12. Mohammad Abd Alhak
    Is the history that we learn correct and not distorted or non-existent? What is the purpose of life and death? What is the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle? Why there is no one language for the whole world? Where does the thought go when forgotten? Which came first - the chicken or the egg? Was what is happening now planned in advance? (I watched on social media that there is a cartoon series called The Simpsons that presented many of the events that are happening with us today, such as predicting the spread of the Corona virus and Trump’s victory in the previous elections and Beirut explosion and many expectations that occurred)

    If you are interested knowing Simpson's predictions, you can access this link to find out more about his predictions that happened recently

  13. Who am I and how much do I hide things inside me? Does everyone really know me? Why am I alone most of the time? Why can't I find the right person who will understand me and stay by my side? Will I find it? Was he born or is he still in my imagination? How much will I suffer in my life yet and what will be the next step? Will I achieve my dream and make my father proud of me? Will I continue in this place and where will I go if I lose it? Am I really going to lose everything if I lose this last chance? What do I do more than what I do? Is there something I still wouldn't do? Who is more tired than me?
    I will get what I seek, God willing.

  14. Where will I be after 10 or 20 years? Can I achieve my dreams? Will my parents see me graduate?

    Will we live in peace oneday? Can I visit my homeland with my family? What will we do when we see our home there?

    Why do we hurt each other? Why didn't we value each other until we lose each other? Why does the happy moment end by sad one?

    (Abeer Ali)

  15. Everyone is curios about something. Everyone wants to find answers to all his questions. But for me I had a lot of questions that were running in my mind since I was a child, and they will continue to take my attention until I die. Why do we exist? How did the universe exist? Did God created everything? If yes, why do scientific clues deny this idea? Why do unbelievers go to hell although they might be good people? What was there before the universe existed or before god created the universe? If god doesn't exists what is the ultimate law that controls people's thoughts and actions ? How does the brain emit the ideas? Would animals be able to talk if they remained evolving?


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