Journal Entry #5

 "Taming the Anger Monster" by Anne Davidson

After reading and working on the questions related to the text, read & respond to the below prompt:

  • Do you agree with Carol Tavris, author of Anger: The Misunderstood Emotion, that almost no situation is improved by an angry outburst? Is anger ever helpful? If so, in what situations? If not, why?

Use personal experience and observation to respond.


  1. Jad Alaouie

    Anger is a very common emotion we all felt at least once every day or every week, what makes anger a misunderstood emotion is that the reactions that these emotion hides are limitless which makes it a complicated feeling/emotion. Some of us could cry when we feel angry, others shout, others punch the mirror or anything they could face (a person for example), others could kill, and others go for drugs to heal from this feeling. But the majority agree that we all made wrong decisions when we were angry at some moment. Moreover, no situation was improved by an angry outburst. We cannot deny the fact that anger is not helpful sometimes in very few situations. Sometimes we pass in really tough moments, although motivational words could not do the job anymore. However, clearing the negative thoughts by raging could be the only solution. Still, we cannot ignore the fact that anger is not really "helpful" in many moments as well.

  2. Let's face it, anger is an unavoidable emotion. If you get angry, that won't make you a bad person, however, the actions that you make due to angriness will. I could assure you that the majority of situations couldn't be solved by simply getting angry. For instance, you might be using your computer and then it lags for some reason and stops responding. Will being angry at it and punching it helps in fixing it? Of course not, and this is the case in many other situations. Instead, try to relax, calm yourself, and focus on what are the proper solutions to the problem you're facing. However, angriness could also be a good factor but that is rarely. It could give you the motivation to accomplish a certain goal or challenge. You just have to, like everything in life, balance its positives and negatives in order for that feeling to be healthy instead of destroying your life and health.

  3. When we face certain obstacles we have two choices ,but we kept on choosing the wrong.Instead of being patient we decide to be angry.Although we knew that nothing will change and things will get even worse ,we kept making the same mistake.When solving a mathematical equation or when solving a puzzle we choose anger as a way to solve it.Unfortunately ,anger is not a miracle that will save our lives.But,when we get back to our relaxing state of mind we have fun of our foolish and stupid misunderstandable reactions.I always used to think that when I get angry the equation will be solved without any effort.Later on,I realized that we try to use anger as a tool to convince ourselves that it can be solved .On the other hand,I feel comfortable when I get angry,just like an explosion. All the bad thoughts disappear in couple of minutes after getting angry.

  4. The article of "Taming the Anger Monster" has highlighted a very sensitive issue we are living in, which is "anger", then can anyone of us count how many times we feel angry in our daily lives? For me, the answer is a lot! Sometimes without noticing my self, i make very aggressive reactions just like what happened with Laura. One of the ways to evade feeling angry is to convince our selves that no situation will be fixed if we shouted or destroyed the vicinity. So as Carol Tavris said, "The Misunderstood Emotion, that almost no situation is improved by an angry outburst", i agree to the maximum with this saying, where most of the situations that we respond to it with feeling angry, must be replaced with feeling wise and mature to fix it. In which how could angry be helpful? Being angry isn't helpful at all, so that in addition to the exploded reaction on others, there is a serious negative impacts on the person himself. Diabetes, high blood pressure, nervous system instability are major effects a person would got due to being nervous all the time, but we can't neglect the importance of being angry in few situation or to be more healthy, pretending to be angry. For instance, many times we have to show nervousness reactions in front of a child in order to teach him that the thing he's doing is wrong. So, this is considered an exception, but at all feeling angry should be avoided as much as possible.

    Fatima Seifeddine

  5. There is some miss understanding in anger. Everyone faces anger in every situation and I do not thing there is a solution for that. People say that there is nothing to be angry about and trying to convince you that anger is bad. Well everything in life will make you angry no matter who small the thing is, it may lead you to explode in anger. The thing is, there are people who know how to control anger and there is the other type that let anger control them. The problem is with the other type letting the anger control them, which will lead to bad consequences and making everything worst. While, when a person know to take control over anger, it will boost his performance and make him more productive like he is getting his anger out on the thing he is working on. He would be on fire on the outside but in the outside he would be so calm as if nothing happened. I do not think that anger is a bad thing, everyone will face anger. On the contrary I think that everyone should learn how to deal with anger and make use of it.

  6. Rama Al-Ahmad

    Yes, I agree with Tavris because anger is not a solution and even will not be a solution on the long run. It is the cause behind most of our problems. I believe that anger is detrimental and can't be helpful in anyways since it leads to a person that is out of his feelings and this is actually dangerous in which he may commit any risky action. Yeah, when persons got angry, there is no power in the world to stop them. Thus, it is not a way of thinking, but it is just a hasty action that destroys relationships and brings troubles instead of solving them. For example, I was a witness for a struggle between a husband and his wife that was extremely complex because each of them was angry and started screaming. Finally, they stopped,but this can be ended by divorce in the future. I think it's much easier if we talk together and let our emotions out in order not to store anger. So, avoid anger and relax!

    Anger is a feeling that can be useful in some cases, and it is an antidote to self-harm, and is expressed to vent oneself, and this is called warm anger through which the ability to manage anger is possible. But anger of the other kind, what is known as hot anger, brings us To the abyss, its consequences are dire, and it becomes addictive to dealing with others and makes a violent generation, and here we can lose our senses and make dangerous decisions that lead us to dire consequences that betrayed us, and we become unable to control ourselves.

  8. Doaa Albekai

    People always have different thoughts about every topic like sports, business, vacations, acting…etc. Anger is also one of those topics that people judge differently. Some are with and other are against. For me, I think that anger is a helpful behavior in some places. It helps people not to suppress themselves by many words that they hope to say. Also, every angry person has a very sensitive personality and a white heart. For example, when people fight, someone begun to shout with an angry facial expression while the other not. Although this person was calm that moment, he would never forget this event and would repress his bad and negative feeling toward this person. I believe that there is no angry person that can repress his/her harmful feelings. He/she always expresses what they want for a couple of minutes and then the storm will be off. Even though anger is helpful, we should not make any decision in this period. In fact, we aren’t thinking probably, and we might take a harmful decision that lead us to hell! So, I am with Tavis at this point.

  9. No one can hide his anger, and suffering and sadness. Even if You smile and even if you telling people that you are fine. Sometimes we suffering from problems with others and we get angry, internal or external a anger. Extend is better to anger on because it makes us face people. We don’t suppress anything in our heart. The Anger may go away and leads to solutions for a problems. Some situation all that is required of you is to reach the stage of the anger.

  10. Anger is often considered as a negative feeling. No one can deny that anger can lead to destructive outcomes, such as aggression and violence. Also, its true that most of the situations can be solved if we were more calm. However, at the end its a normal emotion that humans face in everyday. Despite the negative vibes that anger brings, its a tool to express that there is something bothering you. Moreover, anger helps you cope with stress by discharging the tension in your body. I see that anger can motivate us to fix what is wrong. For me, when I got angry, I really need to express my feeling out otherwise my situation will got worse. In few words, its fine to get angry because its like an alarm to warn you that there is something wrong. However, its important to know how to deal with anger and manage it wisely to avoid any destructive results.

  11. Tala Khalaf
    Anger is a strong emotional state characterized by a forceful, uncomfortable, and uncooperative reaction to a perceived provocation. Even simple acts can irritate us, and everyone has their own way of expressing their rage. For example, people might shout, cry or hit others. Taking the persons' anger out of themselves may be comforting for a few moments, but it is not helpful at all because being angry is the same as being unaware of persons' actions. As a result, you may endanger yourself or others. I completely agree with Carol Tarvis that anger can't improve the situation just destroy it. Finally I highly recommend that we all should learn anger management strategies to live peacefully

  12. Anger is a powerful emotional state characterized by a violent, uncomfortable, and unwelcome reaction to a perceived provocation. Even simple actions can be irritating, and everyone has their own way of expressing anger. The truth is, there are people who can control their anger, and there are people who allow their anger to control itself. The problem is that other types let anger take control of itself, which has bad consequences and makes everything worse.

  13. Anger is humans' generally expressed emotion, bringing about negative emotions, fear, and insecurity. It is very normal to be angry. Each person faces many situations and problems in his/her daily lead to anger. Anger can be considered as helpful in which it is the process to evacuation all the negative energy and feeling. Throughout this process, the person will feel relaxed and comfortable. However, after a rage outburst, it may harm the person and his/her social life. I agree with Carol that "The Misunderstood Emotion, that almost no situation is improved by an angry outburst". Personally, when I am angry I may said something I don't mean and it may hurt others, so I start training myself to take 5 minutes to relax by taking a deep breath. Everyone should control his/her anger and trying to find way to help his/herself to be relaxed

  14. Abeer Ali Ali
    We, as human beings, react differently when we face problems. Some of us reacts quietly and potency, while others reacts angrily. It's a normal reaction sometimes, but when it became a routine, it would be a worse. During our life, each day we will face obstacles, so it's not normal to be angry for silly issues. I agree with the author, Carol Tavris, with the idea that: "almost no situation is improved by an angry outburst." For me, when I'm angry I didn't notice myself in what I'm doing or what I'm talking about, so the problem wouldn't be solved, as it will be worser. Consequently, every person should control his reaction, not everything must bother you, as nothing deserve.


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