Journal Entry #1


Journal Entry #1

What is journal writing and why should we journal? 

    • Read the 10 reasons on this website to get an idea of why we should keep a journal: Importance of Keeping a Journal
    • Write a brief journal on your first couple of weeks at university. Describe your first impressions, your classes, instructors, classmates, university, etc...


  1. Rima El-Harake
    Friday, September 17, 2021

    So, today concludes the first 2 weeks of the Fall semester. Wow! It has been a hectic two weeks, hasn't it? I've had to deal with schedule changes, problems with registration, issues with my Moodle classes, getting to know new students and trying to figure out who's who... Add in the electricity, internet and just general problems we're dealing with day in and day out, and there you have it! A well-rounded week. My first impressions are of etc...(add a description)

  2. The first two weeks are over and a lot of weeks will come. During this interval of time that passed quickly, I have had to deal with new people such as instructors and classmates. In fact, all of them are cute and lovely in which it is very interesting to know new people although there were some troubles that prevented us to know each other more and more such as electricity and the Internet connection beacuse not all of us can attained the classes and open cameras. In addition, our big university is a special world. It is crowded, huge, classic, beautiful... etc in which all these characteristics encourage me to study more in order to save my place in such a university. Concerning my classes, I had some difficulties in using Moodle and in studying on my laptop without writing everything in the copybook as we did in schools. My first impressions are that studying in the university is harder than that in school and the communication with new people from different cultures will be a big conflict. But for truth, I realised that the opposite was thought . Everything is easy when we persuade ourselves of it.

  3. The first two weeks of the fall semester were gone. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE! It was perfect all around, even that we are learning online and facing internet and electricity problems. AHHH! University is really different. During this time we met our professors, you can not believe how amazing they are. I have met my colleagues also, each from different culture and background, but working with them is going to be a real pleasure. we got to know what we will take this semester and we were given some assignments to work on. All in all, university is an amazing experience, much harder and quite different from high school. Finally I am really exited to start learning in our classes.

  4. This is my third week on campus, I have been going daily to the university due to the electricity and internet problems, however I found it more beneficial to attend my online classes in the library! The whole environment and the complete silent helped me focus during the sessions and that's not what I expected to be honest! And it's a great place to study, when you see all the other students are just focusing on their assignments and classes automatically you'll become more productive, so I can tell that I have started this semester with great energy ! On the other hand dealing with schedule changes in the first week was so frustrating, I had to take all the books and my laptop with me for the first three days. And finally I would like to mention how friendly my colleagues are, I met few of them and we had a lot of fun together. In general it was a great and unpredicted start as a first year university student .

  5. Today, I have just completed a few weeks in my special university. I would like to say that this was a great and a new experience for me. Being a member at AUB, you must adapt to the new environment that reflects diversity and cultures. First of all, I really touched the big difference in the way of learning which differs from what I have learned before that became a little bit difficult. Moreover, other than the strategy of learning, I will move to another obstacle that I still suffering from, which is the new life at AUB dorms which means different girls and unusual habits. However, I should adapt so that I can enjoy the life here better. What made me comfortable is the good relation between me and my doctors. They are respectful, kind and wise. Furthermore, they wish to meet us soon and this, frankly, encourages me more to do my best. As for my classmates, I can also say that they are good friends and I discovered this because of their interaction when working in groups.
    Finally, I hope to do well through this semester.
    (Rama Al-Ahmad)

  6. Oh my God, I could not believe that we had finished two weeks of university classes. It was two weeks full of acquaintance, obtaining new information and new experiences. Indeed, I benefited from the experience of each person, even if smartphones and laptops are keeping us away. What will these experiences be when entering the campus? I am very excited for the day that we will meet for the first time with colleagues whom now I consider them as my second family, and of course I cannot talk about experiences and not talk about instructors. They are really the source of inspiration ,they are not just people to teach us lessons, they put priority on good upbringing and securing the right atmosphere to integrate with others through teamwork . In light of this crisis in Lebanon, all instructors were trying to secure equal education for all they understand all our situations, but I am facing a difference now between school and university, which is what we write on our notebooks and how they are organized, but I think With the instructor's effort, we will understand these things in presence at our great university AUB.[Mohammad Abd Alhak]

  7. So the first few weeks of university had passed, and what an experience that was! Seriously, the difference between university and high school is HUGE.
    Firstly, there was a new community formed by people from different backgrounds that I had to know and communicate with. Good thing that they all: instructors, staff, and colleagues were friendly and easy to talk to which made that step easier.
    Secondly, because of the continuous internet and electricity problems, I had to move to AUB dorms and adapt quickly to a new lifestyle and a new way of studying that is much different than the one we're used to in schools.
    Lastly, during the first few days there was some problems concerning the schedule but thankfully they were all solved instantly and everything is going smoothly now.
    I'm looking forward to the 1st of October where we will all meet f2f in class and get to know each other more.

    (Steven Oueiss)

  8. ( Safa Al Haj Mohamad)

    Three weeks at campus! I still can't believe that I became an university student. These weeks have been a turning point in my life. I had to leave my house and move to the dormitory. It was the first time I have such an experience. To be honest, I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I feel excited and happy to start a new chapter of my life full of experiences and knowledge. Also, I feel that I am close to achieving my goals and ambitions. On the other hand, I find it hard to adapt to this new life, as I have to deal with new learning style, new responsibilities, and new routine. Actually, the hardest part is that I miss my family so much. But, I am glad I met my colleagues; they are all kind and respectful. I enjoy getting to know them more in every session. Also, I had the honor to meet my professors who are wonderful, cooperative, and truly caring. Moreover, I fell in love with the campus, everywhere is an inspiration; the green spaces relax me and make me feel reassured. I really believe that the next will be better, and that I will have fun and wonderful experiences during this semester.

  9. (Tala Khalaf)
    The first three weeks of my UPP semester are done. Can’t believe! What a challenging and new experience! A lot of thoughts in my mind I don’t know how I should start. To begin with, I have moved to live the dorms because I live in Tripoli. Honestly it was so hard to me to adapt to the environment so quickly, but the preoccupation with the online classes helped me a little bit even though everything was new. Actually University life is much different from that of high school where I have to deal with new aspects like AUB Moodle, schedule changes and new way of assignments. Nevertheless, I can’t deny how much I had fun during the classes where my doctors and my colleagues are amazing, kind and friendly. Also, it was so fascinating to meet some of my colleagues in person and work together as a team. Now I’m so grateful because I am improving a lot of skills in my character due to the diversity of people and backgrounds in my university. Finally it was an enjoyable, incredible and wonderfully unexpected beginning of my university chapter.

  10. (Yahia Hajeer)
    Hello , I want to tell you about my journey in the first couple of weeks at university .
    Actually I was too sad and disappointed to begin , since I didn't get my favorite field in the scholarship . I was hesitate to continue at first , but my father encourge me to stay with what I have , since our university is one of the most unique and international in the world .
    So O
    I began but in low efficiency and self confidence .
    I was in a bad condition firstly , I have no friends , no connection with some one at university , no passion in my field and study , and l am liveing in so far distance and bad Wi-Fi connection in my home. It's so confused and difficult beginning.
    However , all thing have changed now , I have a good new friends who encourage me , and finally I have accepted in the engineering faculty , so my dream will be true .
    It is a miracle to study what you love especially at AUB .
    And I am so excited to meet all of my friends and my doctors at campus next month💖

  11. (Jana Chamma) : University student!! How great, attractive, and big this word is. Being at the American University of Beirut is a dream came true. The dreams on the way, independence has been started, and experiencing new life is now! How grateful I am right now? Thanks myself for holding all the difficulties and overcame them, thanks for being patient, and thanks for being dreamer. Today I reap the result of my hard work and effort. Now I am officially a USAID scholar living in the university's dorms before one month of the the physical education because of the hard situations my region facing this period: electricity cut and no internet. This was the first time I left my warm home and my beloved family, it was difficult to adapt at first, to be with people you do not know far from your safe haven. Then I realized that this must be my turning point in my life to strengthen my personality and open my soul to the whole world. As a Palestinian girl I got met with many people from different countries: Yemen, Morocco, and Lebanon since AUB is a universal university where all people agree about and that's a very beautiful feeling to meet new people in your life, this made me feel that I an out of my comfort limited zone . The previous three weeks was meaningful this is the first time I felt that I gained a lot of knowledge and culture since I talked with those people about their countries and their traditional life style. Even though I missed my family a lot, I felt that now I am a responsible, productive, and determined girl that can do everything she dream about since I noticed how much difficulties I passed through and overcame: the school pressure, waiting the scholarship result, leaving my family and my friends, and start a new experience in my life with new people totally different from the environment I lived in and that's was weird because I felt that I am the stranger and the intruder here, but now I am so proud of my self since I taught my self how to cope with this environment and to break down my fear barriers.

  12. '' The time flies " I agree with this phrase. Today I completed three surprising weeks in the university!
    I did not expect that life in the university is broad.
    There is a lot of differences between the Doctors here and the teachers in the school. I liked how much the Doctors are organized and serious. Also, I met a lot of people from different backgrounds, cultures, and nationalities. The most interesting part is the campus. I cannot describe how much is amazing! Starting from nature, animals and also facilities. And what about the classes? University classes are not the same as a school, you should be focused and ready for any random question from the Doctor, and the most important is taking notes. I think it is the key to understand all the lessons. The first week I was stressed because it is not easy the be an AUB student especially a USAID scholar. But now I am motivated and interested to complete this journey!

    Mohamad Awwad.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Nothing is more wonderful than living a dream! Here I am in the American University of Beirut, new atmosphere ,new experience, new life .Nothing can be described by words, the campus is absolutely stunning , and I actually enjoy afternoon here , discovering historical buildings .I have met a lot of people from different ethnicities and identities and that was a great start to my journey; knowing more about other cultures and traditions .Moreover, my courses are really valuable and beneficial especially my English ones, where I am finding improvement day after day. Living alone taught me to be responsible and depend on myself; honestly, I knew what mothers really encounter and suffer in the house and it is not easy at all…Indeed, everything here is provided from electricity, internet connection, laptops, suitable environment, and this is a blessing in our country! I am really excited for Friday so we could meet all as a lovely family and enjoy our adventure in AUB.

  15. I can't believe that i have completed 3 weeks in the university till now, following my UPP program, it seemed like 2 days or less. In the mean time, i may consider that this period was a bit hard, in which every thing was new, the university, friends, doctors, also the type of assignments differed a lot from that in school. It was very challenging, but my kind doctors helped us to pass into the right track by their instructions, and notes. As, i felt a bit confused to deal with my Moodle course where I took me some time in order to understand how it works. But in the end every thing was fixed. I still cannot imagine that i am an university student from now on! That's crazy! I had always dreamt about this year, my first year in the university, I had always wanted for this year to be special and it will. On Friday, we are going to leave the online studying behind us where we dealt with it for 2 years! It's gonna be amazing and very interesting! You know like to interact with the doctors and friends face to face without the screen between us would be much better. Although i am spending most of the time on campus in order to have good internet connection to attend my classes because of electricity problems and bad internet connection in home, it will be more challenging to return into classes. Maybe all what I have seen till now means nothing to what i am going to see, and here i would like to say that I am ready to every thing, i am ready to turn all failures into success.

    Fatima Seifeddine

  16. Finally, I became a University Student! I'm so happy for having an ID that carries the AUB image. I will never forget the day that I started my classes on it. It was September 6, 2021. It was the first time I leave my house and move in somewhere else. This was a big challenge for me and I was clarity knew I couldn't get used to this place. But it was essential that I either leave my house and move into AUB dorms or stay in it and have problems with electricity and the Internet, which would harm my classes and lectures. Fortunately, what happened was exactly the opposite of what I imagined! I'm used to this place and I've accepted every aspect of it. I met my new friends, and some of them became part of my family. During these two weeks, we've learned the meaning of responsibility and self-reliance so that your mother's not here to do all the work for you while you're just studying. Indeed, these two weeks have passed very quickly with happy memories.

    Abeer Ali Ali


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